Our StoryHera Support was born from several community minded individuals with varying levels of personal lived experience of disabilities coming together to create a service to support individuals in accessing and utilising the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
While the NDIS rollout has brought with it a new horizon of possibilities, it has been a huge learning curve and a hard landscape to navigate for many. Being Indigenous, culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) and residing in regional or remote communities amongst other barriers add to this difficulty. |
While there are many good stories out there, there are also the stories of people either not understanding their rights and how to access and advocate for sufficient funding to support them or their family members in living their best life. The barriers do not stop here, participants are often left on their own to then negotiate the services and understand what they can and cannot do with their funding packages.
Many of us who are trying to navigate these confusing landscapes are already trying to sort out other support systems and services for ourselves or our loved ones, making it an overwhelming process. Add cultural differences, living in a regional area or language negotiation to that mix might be the one thing that makes it not worth it.
We understand this pressure and frustration, and this is where Hera’s story begins, a commitment to set up a service that could contribute to making the community’s experience of the NDIS scheme better. Regardless of all the other layers and hurdles that make it harder. Our aim is to provide high quality support coordination service that would improve your NDIS journey and create genuine and authentic connections in the community.
Our aim is to provide high quality support coordination service that would improve your NDIS journey and create genuine and authentic connections in the community. If you would like to request our service, please fill in the request form via the button below.